Info as displayed on the thing :
ENTERTAINMENT FOR MEN MAY1968 . 75 CENTS PLAYBOY "Won't you join me in this March issue of PLAYBOY, with fiction by Vladimir Nabokov and Cader Willinghamall; the details for your African safari by Robert Ruark; a panel on the new leisure with Steve Allen, Cleveland Amory, Terry Southern, and others; a cartoon trip down Mexico way with Sjel Silverstein; plus an appealing visit with Carol Lynley. And you can see a lot more of me inside, too!"
Country :
United States
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Magazine tags :
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Men's Magazine
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Credits (Main Page) :
Advertising Director
Howard W. Lederer
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Advertising Manager
Joseph Fall
(Advertisement Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Advertising Manager
Sherman Keats
(Advertisement Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Art Assistant
Walter Kradenych
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Art Director
Art Paul
[Arthur Paul]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Art Director
Joseph Paczek
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Cartoon Editor
Cynthia Maddox
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Senior Editor
Sheldon Wax
This endpoint is pending, not fully approved yet.
Assistant Picture Editor
Bonnie Bovik
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Production Manager
Allen Vargo
(Production Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Advertising Manager
Joseph Guenther
(Advertisement Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Advertising Manager
Jules Kase
(Advertisement Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Art Director
Ronald Blume
[Ron Blume]
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Associate Editor
Frank De Blois
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Associate Editor
Peter Andrews
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Associate Picture Editor
Bev Chamberlain
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Publisher
[& Editorial Director]
A. C. Spectorsky
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Business Manager
[& Circulation Director]
Robert S. Preuss
[Robert Preuss]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributing Editor
Charles Beaumont
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Contributing Editor
[Business & Finance]
J. Paul Getty
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributing Editor
Ken Purdy
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributing Editor
Paul Krassner
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Contributing Editor
Richard Gehman
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Contributing Editor
Robert Ruark
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Copy Chief
Arlene Bouras
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Copy Chief
Ray Williams
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Editor & Publisher
Hugh Hefner
[Hugh M. Hefner]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Fashion Director
Robert L. Green
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Fashion Editor
David Taylor
(Fashion Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Food & Drinks Editor
Thomas Mario
(Food Writer)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Managing Editor
Jack J. Kessie
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Personnel Director
Theo Frederick
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Picture Editor
Vincent T. Tajiri
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Production Manager
John Mastro
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Promotion Art Director
Dan Czubak
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Promotion Director
Nelson Futch
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
College Bureau
Anson Mount
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Public Relations Manager
Benny Dunn
(Comic & Publicity Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Publicity Manager
Helmut Lorsch
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Reader Service
Janet Pilgrim
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Rights & Permissions
Pat Pappas
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Editor
Michael Laurence
(Magazine Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Editor
Murray Fisher
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Editor
Nat Lehrman
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Special Projects Manager
Eldon Sellers
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Subscription Fulfillment Manager
Walter Howarth
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Travel Editor
Patrick Chase
(Travel Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Copyright Holder
HMH Publishing Co., Inc.
[HMH Publishing Co. Inc.]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Published By
HMH Publishing Co., Inc.
[HMH Publishing Co. Inc.]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Credits (Photographers, Artists, ...) :
Don Madden
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Eldon Dedini
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Erich Sokol
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Gahan Wilson
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
John Dempsey
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Phil Interlandi
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Richard Taylor
[R. Taylor]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Cover Illustrator
Alberto Vargas
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Illustrations By
LeRoy Neiman
(Cartoonist & Painter)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Illustrations By
Merle Shore
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Alberto Vargas
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Jerome Walker
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
George Suyeoka
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Staff Photographer
J. Barry O'Rourke
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Staff Photographer
Jerry Yulsman
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Staff Photographer
Larry Gordon
(US Photographer 1960s)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Staff Photographer
Mario Casilli
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Staff Photographer
Pompeo Posar
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributing Photographer
Stan Malinowski
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Advertisers :
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
[Malt Liquor]
Country Club
(Malt Liquor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
[Al Hirt]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Notes :
All credits added (photographers under the photograph section) All photographers and illustrators >=A4 added All advertisers >=A4 added