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Thing: Playboy - March 1968

created on: 8/06/2023
by: Lo55o (13158)
Global thing :

Magazines properties

Displayed :
Person : Sharon Kristie (Model)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Info as displayed on the thing :
Country :
United States
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Issue number
vol. 15, no. 03
Language :
Year (MM / (DD) /YYYY) :
Magazine tags :
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Men's Magazine
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Credits (Main Page) :
Administrative Editor : Richard Koff (Editor & Publisher)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Advertising Director : Howard W. Lederer
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Advertising Manager [Detroit] : Joseph Guenther (Advertisement Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Advertising Manager [Chicago] : Sherman Keats (Advertisement Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Art Assistant : Bobbie Shortlidge
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Art Assistant : Len Willis (Art Director)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Art Assistant : Walter Kradenych
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Art Director : Art Paul [Arthur Paul]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Articles Editor : James Goode (Magazine Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Art Director : Bob Post (Illustrator & Art Director)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Art Director : Dan Spillane (Art Director)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Art Director : George Kenton (Art & Creative Director)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Art Director : Joseph Paczek
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Art Director : Kerig Pope
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Art Director : Norm Schaefer (Art Director & Designer)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Cartoon Editor : Michelle Urry [Michelle Altman]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Editor : Alan Ravage
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Assistant Editor : Carl Snyder (Musician And Writer)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Editor : David Butler (Journalist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Editor : David Standish
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Editor : Durant Imboden
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Associate Editor : Henry Fenwick
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Assistant Editor : Lawrence Linderman
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Editor : Roger Widener (Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Managing Editor : Sheldon Wax (Editor)
This endpoint is pending, not fully approved yet.
Assistant Picture Editor : Marilyn Grabowski
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Assistant Production Manager : Allen Vargo (Production Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Advertising Manager [Advertising] : Jules Kase (Advertisement Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Art Director : Ronald Blume
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Associate Articles Editor : Arthur Kretchmer
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Editor : David Stevens (Magazine Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Editor : Robert Anton Wilson
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Associate Editor : Robert J. Shea (Writer)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Picture Editor : Bev Chamberlain
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Associate Publisher [& Editorial Director] : A. C. Spectorsky
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Business Manager [& Circulation Director] : Robert S. Preuss
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributing Editor [Business & Finance] : J. Paul Getty
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributing Editor : Ken Purdy [Ken W. Purdy]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Copy Chief : Arlene Bouras
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Editor & Publisher : Hugh Hefner [Hugh M. Hefner]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Fashion Director : Robert L. Green
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Fashion Editor : David Taylor (Fashion Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Fiction Editor : Robie Macauley
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Food & Drinks Editor : Thomas Mario (Food Writer)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Living Editor [Modern Living] : Tom Owen (Magazine Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Managing Editor : Jack J. Kessie
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Personnel Director : Theo Frederick
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Picture Editor : Vincent T. Tajiri
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Production Manager : John Mastro
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Promotion Director : Nelson Futch
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Public Affairs [Manager] : Anson Mount
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Public Relations Manager : Benny Dunn (Comic & Publicity Manager)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Publicity Manager : Helmut Lorsch
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Reader Service : Janet Pilgrim
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Rights & Permissions : Pat Pappas
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Senior Editor : Michael Laurence (Magazine Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Senior Editor : Murray Fisher (Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Senior Editor : Nat Lehrman (Publisher)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Special Projects Manager : Eldon Sellers
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Subscriptions Manager : Alvin Wiemold
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Travel Editor : Patrick Chase (Travel Editor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Copyright Holder [Contents] : HMH Publishing Co., Inc. [HMH Publishing Co. Inc.]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Published By : HMH Publishing Co., Inc. [HMH Publishing Co. Inc.]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Credits (Other Pages) :
Centerfold : Michelle Hamilton
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Credits (Photographers, Artists, ...) :
Cartoon : Alden Erikson (Cartoonist) [A. Erikson]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Charles Rodrigues (Cartoonist) [Rodrigues]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Claude Smith (Cartoonist & Animator) [Claude]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Dink Siegel (Cartoonist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Don Madden (Cartoonist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Donald Reilly (Cartoonist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Doug Sneyd (Cartoonist) [Sneyd]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Eldon Dedini (Cartoonist) [Dedini]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Erich Sokol (Cartoonist) [Sokol]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Francis Wilford-Smith (Cartoonist) [Smilby]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Gahan Wilson (Cartoonist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Herb Green (Cartoonist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Howard Shoemaker (Cartoonist) [Shoemaker]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : J. B. Handelsman (Cartoonist) [Handelsman]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Jack Kent (Cartoonist & Author)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : John Ruge (Cartoonist) [Ruge]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : LeRoy Neiman (Cartoonist & Painter)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Michael Ffolkes (Cartoonist) [Ffolkes]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Mort Gerberg (Cartoonist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Phil Interlandi (Cartoonist) [Interlandi]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Robert Brown (Cartoonist) [Buck Brown]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Rowland B. Wilson (Cartoonist & Animator)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Sidney Harris (Cartoonist) [S. Harris]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Syd Hoff (Cartoonist) [Hoff]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : Virgil Partch (Cartoonist) [Vip]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cartoon : William O'Brian (Cartoonist) [O'Brian]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Collage By [Construction By] : Bob Brunton
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Comic Strips : Harvey Kurtzman
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Comic Strips : Jack Davis (Cartoonist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Comic Strips : Larry Siegel (Humorist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Comic Strips : Will Elder (Comics Artist)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cover Photograph By : David Chan (Photographer)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Illustration By : George Suyeoka
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Illustrations By : Wally Neibart
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Illustrator : Alberto Vargas [Vargas]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Photography By : Ed DeLong (Photographer)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Photography By : Chuck Wood
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Photography By : William Figge (Photographer) [Bill Figge]
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Sculpture By [Paper Sculpyure] : Joseph Veno
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Staff Photographer : Alexas Urba
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Staff Photographer [And Body Painting] : Mario Casilli
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Staff Photographer : Pompeo Posar
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Staff Photographer : Stan Malinowski
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Woodcut By : Richard E. Behner
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Height (cm/inch) :
28.4 cm
11.18 inch
Width (cm/inch) :
20.8 cm
8.19 inch
Pages :
Weight :
425 gr
14.99 oz
Binding type :
Advertisers :
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
[Extra Size]
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Camel (Cigarettes)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Clubman (Sportcoats)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Colt 45 (Malt Liquor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Country Club (Malt Liquor)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cutty Sark (Whisky)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
[Great Books]
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Gilbey's (Vodka)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Johnsonian (Shoes)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Kool (Cigarettes)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
[110 S]
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
[High Life]
Miller (Beer)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
[By Gaylord James, Inc.]
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
[Pub Cologne For Men]
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
[Menthol Mild]
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Wrangler (Jeans)
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Notes :
All credits added (photographers under the photograph section)
All photographers and illustrators except one whose signature was too hard to read
All advertisers >=A4 added except other publications, touristic info and sweepstakes
Comments & Reviews :


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Item number : 66458

Submitted by : Lo55o (13158)
on : 12/11/2024
Refined by : Lo55o (13158)
Last updated on: 13/11/2024