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Thing: Playboy - Spring 2020

created on: 3/04/2024
by: Lo55o (13238)
Global thing :
Editted on 11/04/2024 by 
Lo55o (13238)Show Version
Websites https://www.playboy.com/ (www.playboy.com/) 
Binding type : Adhesive binding 
Pages : 236 
Height (cm/inch) : 29.9 cm / 11.77 inch 
Weight : 775 gr / 27.34 oz 
Width (cm/inch) : 22.9 cm / 9.02 inch 
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :   
Note to moderator : neww
Editted on 11/04/2024 by 
Lo55o (13238)Show Version
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :   
Notes :All credits from the masthead page were added. All photographers, illustrators etc. were added. There is only one advertiser (Stitcher) + "Playboy Condoms" featured in the magazineThis is the last edition from Playboy US printed on paper. All credits from the masthead page were added. All photographers, illustrators etc. were added. There is only one external advertiser (Stitcher) + "Playboy Condoms" featured in the magazine. 
Note to moderator : neww
Votes : ACCEPTED on 11/04/2024 by Lo55o (13238)
 ACCEPTED on 11/04/2024 by bob (9806)
Editted on 16/04/2024 by 
bob (9806)Show Version
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :   
Credits (Main Page) :Contributing Cartoonist : Jim Carrey 2Contributing Cartoonist : Jim Carrey 
Note to moderator : that Jim carrey indeed
Votes : ACCEPTED on 16/04/2024 by bob (9806)
 ACCEPTED on 16/04/2024 by Lo55o (13238)
Removed from old version 
 Added to new version