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Global thing: Black Hole (TPB) (2005)

Videos (2)
created on: 4/11/2024
by: detum (12586)
Globalises the following things :
Editted on 05/11/2024 by 
detum (12586)Show Version
Image musta aukko-1.jpg 
Note to moderator : New one. Recommended reading! Could "Body Horror" be added to tags for comics, films, books etc. or would it get too specific? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_horror)
Votes : COMMENT on 06/11/2024 by bob (9722)
Thanks:) Sure we can add Body Horror (done!) but probably it’s best to combine it with the general Horror credit (for sorting lists etc). Cheers
 ACCEPTED on 06/11/2024 by bob (9722)
Editted on 06/11/2024 by 
detum (12586)Show Version
Tags : Body Horror 
Note to moderator : Sounds like a plan. Added the body horror tag.
Votes : ACCEPTED on 06/11/2024 by bob (9722)
:) top
 ACCEPTED on 07/11/2024 by Lo55o (13156)
Removed from old version 
 Added to new version