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Thing: Blutvergießen - English Version - No. 1

created on: 8/11/2024
by: detum (12613)
Global thing :
Editted on 10/11/2024 by 
detum (12613)Show Version
Credits (Other Pages) :   
Credits (Photographers, Artists, ...) :   
Image Blutvergiesen-1(1).jpg 
Image Blutvergiesen-2.jpg 
Credits (Main Page) : Layout By : Bergwerk Kunstschmiede 
Credits (Main Page) : Interview With : Hellebaard 
Credits (Main Page) : Layout By : Mark Odium 
Credits (Main Page) : Interview With : Pagan Reign (Russian Black Metal Band) 
Credits (Main Page) : Interview With : Vicious Crusade 
Credits (Main Page) : : Interview With : Macabre Omen 
Displayed :   
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :   
Language :German (Deutsch)English 
Binding type : Stapled 
Year (MM / (DD) /YYYY) : 2005 
Pages : 24 
Advertisers :   
Barcode :   
Issue number 1 
Height (cm/inch) : 29.7 cm / 11.69 inch 
Weight : 82 gr / 2.89 oz 
Width (cm/inch) : 20.8 cm / 8.19 inch 
Info as displayed on the thing : [logo] Blutvergießen ENGLISH VERSION - NO. 1 
Source :Blutvergießen - English Version - No. 1 ()  
Notes :Blutvergießen is a German fanzine dedicated to pagan metal and black metal, which had its first issue published in 1998. The magazine was initially published only in German, but at least one English-language issue has also been made.Other credits: All interviews by: Cruor. 
Note to moderator : New one.
Votes : ACCEPTED on 11/11/2024 by bob (9806)
 ACCEPTED on 12/11/2024 by Lo55o (13238)
Removed from old version 
 Added to new version