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Endpoint: Comag

created on: 24/01/2025
by: detum (12587)
Editted on 24/01/2025 by 
detum (12587)Show Version
General info : Comag (or COMAG) is a brand or business name used by a British magazine marketing and publishing company. Formed in 1977, Comag was co-owned by the major magazine publishers Hearst Magazines UK and Condé Nast Publications. 
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Source : LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/company/comag-ltd) 
Source : ZoomInfo (www.zoominfo.com/c/comag/8929331) 
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Editted on 27/01/2025 by 
bob (9744)Show Version
Copied Wikipedia parts under license : 
General info :Comag (or COMAG) is a brand or business name used by a British magazine marketing and publishing company. Formed in 1977, Comag was co-owned by the major magazine publishers Hearst Magazines UK and Condé Nast Publications.Comag (stylized as COMAG) is a brand or business name used by Condé Nast & National Magazines Distributors Ltd., a British magazine marketing and publishing company. Formed in 1977, Comag was co-owned by the major magazine publishers Hearst Magazines UK and Condé Nast Publications. 
Relations : : Brand name used by : Condé Nast & National Magazines Distributors Ltd. 
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