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Endpoint: A&C Little Cigars

created on: 21/09/2024
by: bob (9744)
Editted on 21/09/2024 by 
bob (9744)Show Version
General info : A&C Little Cigars was a brand name of cigars that stands for Antonio & Cleopatra Little Cigars. It were slim, filter tipped cigars available in regular and menthol taste offered in the 1970s. The copyright entry was made by Gardner Advertising Co., Inc. for American Tobacco Co. in 1969. 
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Source : https://archive.org/stream/catalogofcop196932311libr/catalogofcop196932311libr_djvu.txt (archive.org/stream/catalogofcop196932311libr/catalogofcop196932311libr_djvu.txt) 
Relations : Brand name used by : American Tobacco Co.1969 - 
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Editted on 21/09/2024 by 
bob (9744)Show Version
NameA & C Little CigarsA&C Little Cigars 
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Editted on 21/09/2024 by 
bob (9744)Show Version
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General info :A&C Little Cigars was a brand name of cigars that stands for Antonio & Cleopatra Little Cigars. It were slim, filter tipped cigars available in regular and menthol taste offered in the 1970s. The copyright entry was made by Gardner Advertising Co., Inc. for American Tobacco Co. in 1969.A&C Little Cigars was a brand name of cigars that was sshort for Antonio & Cleopatra Little Cigars. It were slim, filter tipped cigars available in regular and menthol taste offered in the 1970s. The copyright entry was made by Gardner Advertising Co., Inc. for American Tobacco Co. in 1969. 
Editted on 22/09/2024 by 
Lo55o (13158)Show Version
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General info :A&C Little Cigars was a brand name of cigars that was sshort for Antonio & Cleopatra Little Cigars. It were slim, filter tipped cigars available in regular and menthol taste offered in the 1970s. The copyright entry was made by Gardner Advertising Co., Inc. for American Tobacco Co. in 1969.A&C Little Cigars was a brand name of cigars that was short for Antonio & Cleopatra Little Cigars. It were slim, filter tipped cigars available in regular and menthol taste offered in the 1970s. The copyright entry was made by Gardner Advertising Co., Inc. for American Tobacco Co. in 1969. 
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