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Endpoint: Roberto Rocchi (Photographer)

created on: 28/11/2024
by: Lo55o (13213)
Editted on 28/11/2024 by 
Lo55o (13213)Show Version
General info : Roberto Rocchi (born ca. 1954) is an Italian glamour and nude photographer from Rome. He contributed to magazines such as Playmen and the Italian edition of Playboy and contributed to many vinyl record sleeves. He had a high school diploma in accounting and a degree in economics and commerce and started working in an advertising agency. The advertising agency collaborated with a photography studio and he made sketches and brought the proofs. The owner of the photography studio hired Roberto as a photographer's assistant. In '67 he was hired as an assistant for Playmen and worked with them for 15 years. He would work for five years with Playboy Italy until it closed doors from one day to the next. 
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Source : https://flashstylemagazine.altervista.org/roberto-rocchi-il-maestro-del-glamour-lintervista-esclusiva/ (flashstylemagazine.altervista.org/roberto-rocchi-il-maestro-del-glamour-lintervista-esclusiva/) 
Source : https://www.cfsannita.com/socionorari/roberto-rocchi/ (www.cfsannita.com/socionorari/roberto-rocchi/) 
Websites Discogs (www.discogs.com/artist/2246680-Roberto-Rocchi) 
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