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Endpoint: Esprit

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created on: 21/06/2023
by: bob (9742)
Editted on 21/06/2023 by 
bob (9742)Show Version
General info : Esprit is a brand name used by Esprit Holdings Ltd., a publicly owned manufacturer of clothing, footwear, accessories, jewellery and housewares under the Esprit label. The company is headquartered in North Point, Hong Kong, and Ratingen (near Düsseldorf), Germany. In the 2019–2020 business year, Esprit generated a worldwide sales of around €1.05 billion (as of 30 June 2020). Esprit operates 225 retail stores worldwide and distributes products to more than 4,500 wholesale locations around the globe. Esprit has more than 234,000 square meters of retail space in 30 countries. The ESPRIT brand name is licensed to other manufacturers. In addition, the group owns the Red Earth cosmetics brand. The Esprit flagship stores feature both current Esprit fashion lines and licensee products under one roof. Esprit has an architecture department that is responsible for the worldwide design of its stores. The first joint fashion line established by Susie and Doug Tompkins (who had previously founded The North Face) was sold from a VW bus and their headquarters was the Tompkins' apartment in San Francisco. Susie assumed the creative and Doug Tompkins the financial role in the business. At that time (mid-60's) their sales success was due to their original "Big Mama", Helene W. Japhe, who agreed to represent them exclusively as their sales agent, taking their line "on the road" and having great success. After Helene Japhe's departure from the company and San Francisco, the business continued to flourish under more professional administration and management until its US downturn and eventual sale to a Hong Kong firm. In 1979, the Esprit logo was developed by John Casado. 
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Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esprit_Holdings (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esprit_Holdings) 
Relations : Brand name used by : Esprit Holdings Ltd. 
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
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